Retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre says he has Parkinson’s disease

Trending 4 days ago
  Published astatine 11:02 am, September 24, 2024

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Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Retired NFL backmost Brett Favre has been diagnosed pinch Parkinson’s disease, he told a legislature committee Tuesday.

Favre made nan disclosure arsenic portion of his grounds astir a use misspending ungraded successful Mississippi. Favre, who does not look criminal charges, has repaid conscionable complete $1 cardinal successful speaking fees funded by a use programme successful nan authorities and was besides an investor successful a biotech institution pinch ties to nan case. The biotech patient has said it was processing concussion treatments.

The erstwhile shot prima told nan committee that he mislaid his finance successful nan institution “that I believed was processing a breakthrough concussion supplier I thought would thief others.”

“As I’m judge you’ll understand, while it’s excessively precocious for maine — I’ve precocious been diagnosed pinch Parkinson’s — this is besides a origin beloved to my heart,” Favre said.

What causes Parkinson’s illness is unknown, and it is unclear if Favre’s illness is connected to his shot profession aliases caput injuries. He said successful 2022 that he estimates he knowledgeable “thousands” of concussions successful his 2 decades successful nan NFL.

Favre appeared astatine nan Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee proceeding to advocator betterment of nan national use strategy to amended forestall fraud.

“The challenges my family and I person faced complete nan past 3 years—because definite authorities officials successful Mississippi grounded to protect national TANF costs from fraud and abuse, and are unjustifiably trying to blasted me, those challenges person wounded my bully sanction and are worse than thing I faced successful football,” Favre said.

House Republicans person said a Mississippi use misspending ungraded involving Favre and others points to nan request for an overhaul successful nan national Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.

Favre has said he didn’t cognize nan payments he received came from use costs and has noted his kindness had provided millions of dollars to mediocre kids successful his location authorities of Mississippi and successful Wisconsin, wherever he played astir of his profession pinch nan Green Bay Packers.


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