Rigby woman who creates and sells watercolor paintings is celebrating 6 years of operation

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 6:19 pm, July 3, 2024

Natalie Mecham pinch brushwood successful manus astatine her Rigby creation studio, wherever she creates and sells original watercolor paintings. Watch her create a watercolor coating successful nan video above. | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

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She started coating to woody pinch puerility trauma and now owns an in-home creation studio

art studioNatalie Mecham’s creation workplace successful her Rigby home. | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

RIGBY – Natalie Mecham started coating years agone arsenic a measurement to woody pinch puerility trauma. Today, nan 37-year-old Rigby female owns Natalie Mecham Art, an creation workplace astatine her location wherever she sells watercolor paintings online. Through her Facebook group, The Creative Kind, she besides hosts a monthly auction that benefits a section charity.

This period marks nan sixth day since launching nan Facebook group. She invited EastIdahoNews.com to her in-home workplace for a look inside. Watch her overgarment a nighttime entity successful nan video above.

Mecham says she specializes successful portraits and animals, and offers individual civilization paintings of people’s deceased loved ones for those who petition it. Painting portraits are her favorite.

“I’ve done a fewer of my kids and I for illustration those nan most,” Mecham says.

Mecham is self-taught and has nary general training arsenic an artist. She didn’t commencement coating until recently. It was drafting that initially captured her imagination.

Mecham’s begetter committed suicided erstwhile she was young and her mom was abusive connected apical of that. She recovered flight successful creating art. When she launched her creation business successful 2016, providing costs for termination prevention organizations became a origin that was important to her.

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In 2011, she had 2 copy boys who died 34 hours aft commencement because they were calved 17 weeks early. She dealt pinch her condolences by getting progressive successful causes that thief children. The Salvation Army Angel Tree programme is thing she participates successful each year.

She and her husband, Keith, are now nan parents of 2 copy girls. That life arena drew her to watercolor painting.

“I was put connected furniture remainder while I was pregnant and watercolor was nan only point I could do while laying successful bed,” Natalie says. “I’ve been doing it ever since.”

One of her first watercolor paintings, an incomplete image of her herself, hangs conscionable extracurricular nan workplace successful her home.

mecham picMecham painted this image of herself years agone erstwhile she was connected furniture remainder while pregnant pinch her girls. She went into room and was ne'er capable to decorativeness it. | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

“Doing thing kind” is what motivates Natalie to support going and it’s rewarding for her to springiness backmost done her artwork.

She precocious started school creation classes online for adults but would for illustration to commencement school classes for kids astatine her studio.

To observe nan six twelvemonth day of her Facebook auction group, The Creative Kind, Natalie is giving distant prizes each period long. The auction is happening July 23 and 20% of nan proceeds will use nan Upper Valley Child Advocacy Center.

mecham and girlsA watercolor coating of Mecham and her copy girls. | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com


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