Teen launches online fundraiser for children’s hospitals

Trending 4 months ago
  Published astatine 3:32 pm, May 11, 2024  | Updated astatine 3:34 pm, May 11, 2024
alturas picCameron Hobbs is simply a freshman astatine Alturas Preparatory Academy successful Idaho Falls. He’s raising money for children’s hospitals. | Courtesy photo

IDAHO FALLS – A section teen is continuing his efforts to raise money for children’s hospitals.

Cameron Hobbs, a 15-year-old student astatine Alturas Preparatory Academy successful Idaho Falls, was fixed an duty to shape a organization event. He held a motortruck meet astatine Snake River Landing earlier this period to raise money for Shriners Hospital for Children successful Salt Lake and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

RELATED | Local precocious schoolhouse student hosting use motortruck meet and he’s asking for your support

The arena ended up getting moved astir past minute, which made them incapable to cod donations. Though astir $2,000 successful introduction fees were raised astatine nan meet, he’s continuing to raise money online. Cameron is hoping to raise different $5,000.

The full magnitude of $7,000 will beryllium divided evenly betwixt nan 2 hospitals.

Cameron is grateful for everyone’s support and invites you to make a donation.

Email cam.hobbs@icloud.com for much information.


Our attorneys show america we request to put this disclaimer successful stories involving fundraisers: EastIdahoNews.com does not guarantee that nan money deposited to nan relationship will beryllium applied for nan use of nan persons named arsenic beneficiaries.


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