Temporary lane closure for Idaho Falls water tower construction

Trending 1 month ago

The pursuing is simply a news merchandise and photograph from nan metropolis of Idaho Falls.

IDAHO FALLS – Contractors moving connected nan caller City of Idaho Falls h2o building task will request to temporarily adjacent 1 lane of postulation connected Park Avenue, adjacent its intersection pinch Cliff Street, from Monday, Aug. 5 to Friday, Aug. 9.

This mini closure will facilitate activity connected nan caller higher-capacity h2o tower. Access to businesses will stay open, and while nan eastbound sidewalk connected Park Avenue will beryllium closed, nan westbound sidewalk will enactment open.

Traffic will only beryllium capable to recreation from northbound to southbound done this conception of Park Avenue.

Please trim speeds, obey posted postulation power signage, and watch for building crews passim nan activity zone.

For questions aliases concerns astir this project, interaction Idaho Falls Public Works astatine (208) 612-8250.

After diving deeper into nan history of Idaho Falls’ h2o towers, nan City of Idaho Falls is excited to stock nan different ways we scheme to observe nan existent h2o building pinch nan community. The first commemoration of our city’s history pinch h2o towers will beryllium astatine a booth astatine nan Roaring Youth Jam from Aug. 8 to 10 pinch a younker creation project.

Stay tuned for early updates by clicking here aliases travel america connected societal media.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news