The quiet man capable of making big noise in Paris

Trending 2 months ago

Scott was 22 astatine nan time. A young man, but 1 pinch nan belief that comes from being places, doing things, and winning medals.

The Rio Olympics 3 years antecedently had yielded a mates of relay silvers. World squad medals followed nan twelvemonth after. Then he returned from nan 2018 Commonwealth Games pinch sixth different slabs of metallic astir his neck.

The Covid hold to his 2nd Olympics only deferred much success, pinch 4x200m freestyle golden accompanied by metallic successful nan 4x100 medley.

Perhaps much pertinently, metallic besides came successful individual events, Scott finishing 2nd successful some nan 200m freestyle and nan 200m individual medley.

He will complete successful nan aforesaid 2 events again successful Paris, arsenic good arsenic successful a mates of nan relays, but it seems location is thing different astir this type of Scott.

Look astatine interviews pinch him astatine nan clip of Tokyo and there's still a shyness. His sound is softer. His answers fleeting. His regard seldom held for long.

Contrast that to now. Still quiet, but forthright. Confident capable to return connected difficult topics, specified arsenic gender issues successful sport, nan value of learning to swim, and excavation closures.

And self-assured, too. Earlier this month, he stopped a BBC question and reply portion measurement though to cheque connected a disturbance astatine nan different extremity of nan room. It said to his professionalism, his attraction to item and his discipline.

Talk to those who train pinch him astatine nan University of Stirling and those words are among nan fewer they fto slip. Under nan information of anonymity, of course.

One describes Scott arsenic "the hardest worker I've ever seen". Another considers him "enigmatic, a awesome feline but 1 who changes erstwhile he goes into title mode". A 3rd speaks astir really he "demands standards and leads by example".

Fellow Team GB personnel Katie Shanahan picks up connected nan latter, explaining location is not a training time that goes by erstwhile she doesn't study thing from Scott.

"I’m truthful grateful I tin aquatics pinch him each day," she says. "He’s fixed america truthful overmuch bully proposal and I cognize really overmuch activity he puts in."

Yeah, but what is he really like?

"He’s… conscionable Duncan. I don’t cognize really to picture him," nan relentlessly chatty Shanahan says, stuttering. "I’m fortunate that I get to spot nan quality broadside of him, and he’s conscionable a really bully guy. He’s funny, and very down to earth."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC