Tottenham sign Gray from Leeds for about £30m

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Tottenham Hotspur person signed midfielder Archie Gray from Leeds United for astir £30m, pinch defender Joe Rodon moving successful nan other guidance successful a woody worthy astir £10m.

Gray has signed a statement until 2030 pinch Spurs, who Leeds said had "met a merchandise clause that was triggered by nan club’s nonaccomplishment to get promoted astatine nan first attempt".

The waste is believed to beryllium capable to make nan Elland Road nine compliant pinch profit and sustainability rules, aft their conclusion successful nan Championship play-off last by Southampton costs them promotion and forced them to waste players.

Spurs person beaten Brentford to nan signing of 18-year-old Gray, who played 52 matches successful each competitions - successful midfield and astatine right-back - for Leeds past season.

Gray had begun a aesculapian astatine Brentford's training ground, only for nan Bees to person their bid of a akin worth rejected by Leeds complete nan costs building and add-ons connected Sunday.

England Under-21 world Gray, who besides qualifies for Scotland, is nan great-nephew of Leeds fable Eddie Gray and nan Yorkshire nine said they had agreed to nan teenager's transportation "with a dense heart".

They added: "Whilst we understand that supporters will beryllium hugely disappointed to suffer specified a homegrown talent, and a family sanction truthful synonymous pinch Leeds United, nan move improves nan club’s chance to compete for automatic promotion adjacent play by expanding our expertise to build a competitory squad wrong nan league’s financial power regulations.

"Everyone astatine Leeds United is heartbroken to spot 1 of our ain depart and would for illustration to convey Archie for each his efforts and professionalism."

Wales world Rodon, who was connected indebtedness astatine Leeds past season, has signed a four-year woody pinch nan club.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC