Turkey hunter attacked by female moose with calves near Blackfoot

Trending 3 months ago
  Published astatine 10:28 am, May 26, 2024

The pursuing is simply a news merchandise and record photograph from Idaho Fish and Game.

BLACKFOOT — Late day connected Friday, May 24, a turkey huntsman was attacked by a female moose connected a conception of Bureau of Land Management onshore bordering nan Snake River downstream of Wadsworth Island, a fewer miles southbound of Blackfoot metropolis limits.

The individual was hunting turkeys erstwhile he inadvertently startled a female moose pinch her copy calves. The moose began to charge, and though he fired 2 informing shots astatine nan crushed successful beforehand of her, she was not deterred.

As nan moose knocked him to nan ground, he was capable to occurrence a 3rd changeable which made interaction pinch nan animal. The moose ran off, and nan huntsman was capable to time off nan area safely. He reported to Idaho Fish and Game that he is “bruised up” and will activity aesculapian attraction if his injuries look to beryllium much serious.

As he near nan area, nan individual noted that astatine 1 constituent he could spot nan injured moose a fewer 100 yards away, bedded down. She stood up and began grazing while her calves nursed. The afloat grade of her injuries is not known astatine this time.

Idaho Fish and Game will beryllium placing signs adjacent vessel ramps connected nan stream successful nan vicinity of nan encounter, cautioning nan nationalist to beryllium alert of a moose pinch calves and to support a safe region if nan animals are spotted.

Though conflicts pinch moose are usually rare, moose tin beryllium protect and vulnerable if startled. This is peculiarly existent during nan autumn erstwhile bulls are rutting and successful nan outpouring erstwhile females person calves.

This brushwood serves arsenic an important reminder to each outdoor enthusiasts to beryllium alert of your surroundings, particularly erstwhile recreating successful heavy vegetation aliases adjacent rushing h2o wherever moose and their young tin beryllium harder to spot and hear.

What to do if you brushwood a moose?

  • Keep your distance, astatine slightest 3 car lengths betwixt you and nan animal. Never attack a moose, particularly a female pinch her young.
  • If recreating pinch dogs, support power of your pets pinch leashes and don’t let them to pursuit moose aliases different wildlife.
  • A moose will often bluff by pawing nan crushed and licking its lips. If it lowers its ears, a complaint is apt forthcoming.
  • If a moose charges, run. Try to support a character aliases different entity betwixt you and nan moose, aliases climb a character if necessary.
  • If you person carnivore spray, usage it! Bear spray tin beryllium purchased online aliases astatine astir sporting equipment stores. It is important to support it readily accessible connected your body.
  • If you find yourself connected nan ground, curl successful a shot and do your champion to protect your look and head. Try not to make noise. Moose complaint because they comprehend you arsenic a threat. If you are coiled up connected nan crushed quietly, you will apt look little threatening.

If you person immoderate questions astir recreating astir wildlife aliases if you person a wildlife brushwood to report, telephone your nearest Fish and Game location office. In nan Southeast Region, interaction Fish and Game successful Pocatello astatine (208) 232-4703.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news