Utah woman charged with attempted murder of her unborn child

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  Published astatine 9:47 am, September 17, 2024
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AMERICAN FORK, Utah (KSL.com) — A Pleasant Grove female was charged Tuesday pinch engaging successful behaviour that she hoped would origin nan decease of her unborn child.

Janessa Jean Turner, 41, is charged successful 4th District Court pinch attempted murder, a first-degree felony, and 2 counts of lewdness involving a child, a people A misdemeanor.

The investigation began Sept. 14 erstwhile Turner was participating successful a video telephone pinch nan children of her erstwhile boyfriend, ages 9 and 11. During nan call, Turner near her breasts exposed, according to charging documents. When nan mother of nan children saw this and told Turner, she “responded that it wasn’t a large woody since nan children had seen her breasts earlier erstwhile she was skinny dipping.”

The mother past took nan telephone from nan children, took a screenshot of nan telephone and contacted police.

When officers talked to Turner, they detected an odor of alcohol. She was fixed a activity trial and her blood-alcohol level was recorded astatine 0.301%, nan charges allege.

But because Turner was besides “visibly pregnant,” constabulary took her to a section infirmary to beryllium checked earlier taking her to jail.

“While there, (Turner) told a societal worker that, intending to termination her fetus, she had starved herself for nan past 2 months, drank excessive amounts of Kahlua regular for nan past 2 months, and driven recklessly astir trains hoping to get into a clang that would origin a miscarriage. (She) besides said that she had been camping complete nan past mates of days pinch nan volition of ‘doing things’ that would origin a miscarriage aliases labor, and that she could past hide nan infant’s assemblage without anyone knowing,” nan charges state.

Turner besides said that if nan babe was calved alive, “she would person killed it aliases fto it die, and that she still wanted to termination nan baby,” according to nan charging documents.

Court records bespeak that Turner was antecedently convicted of kid abuse, a complaint that was reduced from a second-degree felony to a people B misdemeanor, for hitting a 10-year-old woman and putting her successful a chokehold.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news