WATCH: Rexburg Lt. Hermosillo and Madison Co. Prosecutor Wood discuss Daybell case in first in-depth interview

Trending 3 months ago

REXBURG — It started pinch a telephone telephone from constabulary successful Arizona astir a Jeep perchance tied to a homicide.

Rexburg Police Lt. Ray Hermosillo was assigned to cheque it retired and had nary thought really overmuch that telephone would alteration his life complete nan adjacent 4 years.

From 2 missing children, dormant spouses, security fraud, utmost belief beliefs and a analyzable bid of events spanning aggregate states, Hermosillo became nan lead Rexburg detective successful nan Daybell case. He sat successful nan courtroom each time during Lori Vallow Daybell’s proceedings successful nan outpouring of 2023 and testified 3 times during Chad Daybell’s proceedings this year.

Hermosillo worked intimately pinch Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood who initiated ineligible proceedings against nan mates and helped convene a expansive assemblage which led to aggregate execution charges being revenge against Chad and Lori Daybell. Both were convicted connected each counts by 2 abstracted juries. Chad Daybell is facing nan decease punishment and Lori Vallow Daybell is serving 3 life sentences without nan perchance of parole.

For nan first time, Hermosillo and Wood sat down pinch for their first in-depth question and reply astir nan case. They shared specifications astir nan investigation that person ne'er been reported earlier on pinch what they’ve learned, nan challenges of nan case, really it’s changed them and really aggregate rule enforcement agencies came together successful nan pursuit of justness for Joshua “JJ” Vallow, Tylee Ryan and Tammy Daybell.

Watch nan full speech successful nan video subordinate above.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news