What your semen says about your health

Trending 1 month ago
  Published astatine 12:14 pm, August 28, 2024

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Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, CNN

semenSemen tin supply important clues astir a man’s health. | LYagovy/iStockphoto/Getty Images via CNN Newsource

(CNN) — Just for illustration urine and stool, semen tin supply important clues astir a man’s health. Variations successful its color, texture, smell and measurement tin awesome underlying wellness conditions. Understanding these signs tin thief men support their wide well-being and reside imaginable issues early on.

What is normal for semen?

It is normal for semen to person insignificant changes successful color, texture aliases smell. The value whitethorn besides alteration from time to time aliases ejaculate to ejaculate — nary 2 are precisely nan same. Semen, aliases seminal fluid, is simply a substance of fluid from nan prostate, seminal vesicles and testicles.

Normal semen parameters see a sperm attraction of astatine slightest 15 cardinal sperm per milliliter, pinch astatine slightest 40% of nan sperm showing motility and 4% having normal morphology aliases appearance, according to nan World Health Organization. It typically has a somewhat thick, gel-like consistency. It has a faint, bleach-like smell owed to its alkaline pH. The measurement of ejaculate typically ranges from 1.5 to 5 milliliters per ejaculation. Semen liquifies wrong minutes aft exiting nan body, going from heavy gel to soft liquid to support nan activity of sperm.

Simply said, each ejaculate has millions of sperm; not each of them person to beryllium golden badge swimmers, and not each of them person to look normal. Also, it’s important to statement that abnormal swimmers aliases quality does not adjacent abnormal genetics aliases higher consequence of congenital anaomolies.

Color changes

Semen is usually whitish-gray successful color. The colour whitethorn alteration arsenic it mixes pinch urine, humor aliases different fluids successful nan urinary aliases reproductive tracts. Semen tin alteration colour from starting a B vitamin aliases medications. Just for illustration location whitethorn beryllium changes successful nan colour of your urine erstwhile starting supplements and medications, nan aforesaid tin hap pinch nan semen.

Medical conditions for illustration liver nonaccomplishment aliases jaundice, wherever nan full assemblage appears much yellow, tin besides discolor nan semen. Even smoking tin change semen parameters pinch not conscionable changes successful colour but a diminution successful fertility. Yellow aliases greenish semen mightiness propose an infection, specified arsenic a sexually transmitted infection (STI), urinary tract infection aliases prostate inflammation (prostatitis). Red aliases brownish semen, known arsenic hematospermia, tin beryllium alarming but is often benign, typically caused by inflammation, enlarged prostate infection aliases moreover riding a motorcycle for excessively long.

Texture and consistency

Normal semen is somewhat heavy and gelatinous, truthful heavy and clumpy semen mightiness beryllium a motion of dehydration aliases infection. Men pinch chronic dehydration often person altered semen parameters, which see texture, which tin lead to a alteration successful fertility. Watery semen, connected nan different hand, tin bespeak a debased sperm count aliases predominant ejaculation, which whitethorn temporarily trim sperm quality.


Typically, semen has a ray bleach aliases ammonia-like smell owed to its somewhat alkaline pH. A beardown aliases foul odor tin beryllium a reddish emblem for infections specified arsenic bacterial prostatitis aliases STIs. A saccharine smell whitethorn awesome abnormal glucose levels concerning for diabetes.


The mean measurement of ejaculate ranges from 1.5 to 5 milliliters—about 1/3 to 1.5 teaspoons—or astir what you would find successful a mini packet of ketchup. Low measurement tin consequence from predominant ejaculation, debased testosterone levels aliases blockages successful nan reproductive tract. A precocious measurement of semen whitethorn beryllium owed to prolonged abstinence aliases successful uncommon cases, an infection aliases inflammation.

Frequency of Ejaculation

While regular ejaculation is mostly healthy, very predominant ejaculation tin impact semen quality. It is good known that men who ejaculate aggregate times regular whitethorn acquisition impermanent reductions successful sperm count and motility, though this typically normalizes pinch little predominant ejaculation.

Pain during ejaculation

Painful ejaculation tin beryllium a denotation of prostatitis, urethritis and conditions for illustration Peyronie’s illness (abnormal penile curvature) aliases post-vasectomy symptom syndrome. A caller line reappraisal recovered that 15% to 55% of men pinch chronic prostatitis whitethorn acquisition intersexual dysfunction and/or symptom during ejaculation, which tin importantly effect their value of life and virality.

Lifestyle factors

Diet, hydration and wide wellness profoundly effect semen quality. Poor diet, deficiency of exercise, and smoking tin negatively impact semen health, while a patient manner tin amended it.

Medications and supplements

Certain medications and supplements tin change semen’s quality and quality. For example, testosterone replacement therapy tin trim sperm production, while supplements for illustration zinc and folic acerb tin heighten semen quality.

When to spot a doctor

Occasional changes successful semen are usually not origin for concern. However, persistent changes should beryllium evaluated by a healthcare professional. Regular check-ups and unfastened connection pinch your expert are important for maintaining intersexual wellness and addressing immoderate issues early. It’s important to punctual your expert of immoderate medicine aliases over-the-counter supplements you’re taking.

Semen tin supply valuable insights into a man’s health. By paying attraction to its color, texture, smell and volume, men tin observe imaginable wellness issues early. If you announcement persistent changes, consulting pinch a healthcare supplier tin thief guarantee your intersexual wellness remains successful apical shape.

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