Why does my child always cough at night?

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Why does my kid ever cough astatine night?


There could beryllium various reasons why your kid coughs astatine night. Here are immoderate communal possibilities:

1. Allergies: Your kid mightiness beryllium allergic to thing successful their chamber environment, specified arsenic particulate mites, pet dander, aliases pollen. Allergies tin trigger coughing, particularly astatine nighttime erstwhile your kid is lying down and mucus tin drip down nan throat.

2. Postnasal drip: Postnasal drip occurs erstwhile excess mucus drips down nan backmost of nan throat. This tin beryllium caused by allergies, a cold, sinus infection, aliases different respiratory issues. Postnasal drip often worsens astatine night, starring to coughing.

3. Asthma: Asthma tin origin nighttime coughing, peculiarly if your child’s asthma is triggered by allergens, exercise, aliases acold air. Coughing whitethorn beryllium nan only denotation of asthma, particularly astatine night. If your kid is coughing much than 2 nights/week successful their sleep, we urge travel up pinch your superior attraction provider.

4. Reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD) aliases acerb reflux tin origin tummy acerb to backmost up into nan esophagus, starring to irritation and coughing, peculiarly erstwhile lying down.

5. Respiratory infections: Respiratory infections specified arsenic colds, flu, bronchitis, aliases pneumonia tin origin coughing, particularly astatine nighttime erstwhile congestion and irritation worsen owed to lying down.

6. Environmental factors: Dry aerial successful nan bedroom, particularly during nan wintertime months erstwhile heating systems are running, tin lead to coughing. Using a humidifier successful nan chamber whitethorn thief alleviate coughing caused by barren air.

7. Other triggers: Other factors specified arsenic irritants successful nan aerial (e.g., cigaret smoke, beardown odors), poorly controlled indoor aerial quality, aliases definite medications could besides lend to nighttime coughing.

If your child’s nighttime coughing persists aliases is accompanied by different concerning symptoms specified arsenic trouble breathing, fever, thorax pain, aliases wheezing, it’s basal to consult pinch a healthcare master for due information and treatment. They tin thief find nan underlying origin of nan cough and urge due guidance strategies.

This file does not found a provider/patient narration and is for wide informational purposes only. This file is not a substitute for consulting pinch a expert aliases different wellness attraction provider.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news