Why 'symbol' Ronaldo remains Portugal's star draw

Trending 3 months ago

All eyes had been connected 39-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo successful nan build-up to Portugal's European Championship opener against nan Czech Republic but, not for nan first clip successful Germany, it was a youngster who stole nan headlines.

'Ronaldo 7' shirts had been everyplace successful Leipzig earlier nan game, arsenic fans prepared to invited nan seasoned forward's grounds quality astatine a sixth European Championship.

They were nary uncertainty hoping he would people it pinch a extremity but it was not to beryllium and alternatively it was Francisco Conceicao - 18 years Ronaldo's inferior - who snatched nan melodramatic victor arsenic Portugal began their Group F run pinch a 2-1 victory.

It was practically his first touch aft coming connected for his competitory debut, and erstwhile England striker Alan Shearer was delighted pinch his contribution.

"You are sent connected to alteration nan crippled and to do something," he said connected BBC One. "You person to make an effect arsenic a sub."

"What a story," ex-Liverpool midfielder Danny Murphy added.

"There was maine saying: 'What tin you do successful 3 minutes arsenic a substitute?' He sewage a spot of luck pinch nan deflection but he wasn't going to miss that."

It was a memorable infinitesimal for Conceicao, boy of erstwhile Portugal subordinate Sergio, and it was 1 that he celebrated pinch a delighted Ronaldo, who punched nan aerial and high-fived his team-mates.

Portugal leader Roberto Martinez said nan youngster deserved his winning moment.

"Francisco is nan eventual illustration of earning it," he said.

"He deserves to beryllium present and showed he is fresh to thief nan group. He showed characteristic and showed his worthy because he was allowed to beryllium here."

At 39, Ronaldo is into his last years of playing astatine nan highest level, though his team-mate Pepe’s quality astatine 41 will springiness him belief he has a mates of awesome tournaments successful him yet.

His critics argue his spot successful nan starting XI holds Portugal back, that he becomes nan focal constituent and has a antagonistic effect connected nan guardant line's mobility.

But speaking to Portugal fans successful Leipzig earlier Tuesday's game, it is clear nan mostly consciousness otherwise.

One instrumentality described him arsenic still "the champion successful nan world", while another, Marta, said Ronaldo's publication to nan squad goes beyond what he does connected nan pitch.

"He is still important because he has nan information and nan tone and he unites nan team," she said.

"Even for extracurricular nan squad he is important. He is for illustration a awesome that unites all."

Despite failing to people against nan Czech Republic, he did person chances. He was doubly denied successful nan first half by goalkeeper Jindrich Stanek, earlier seeing a header deflected wide aft nan break.

He remains a prima tie and erstwhile Portugal had a free-kick 25 yards from goal, fans were connected their feet pinch camera phones astatine nan ready, only to spot Ronaldo's effort comfortably caught by Stanek.

But for his team-mates, nan acquisition he tin connection outweighs nan request for him to beryllium scoring goals.

"We each cognize that it is important to person knowledgeable players, for illustration Cristiano Ronaldo," said Manchester United midfielder Bruno Fernandes.

"In fact, Pepe is astir apt nan astir knowledgeable successful nan full tournament. We cognize they are captious to us."

For immoderate of nan champion to person played nan game, Ronaldo still has plentifulness to lend astatine this level.

"Whatever you do, if Ronaldo plays good aliases nan squad plays well, he ever finds a chance,” erstwhile Spain midfielder Cesc Fabregas said connected BBC One.

"He takes attraction of himself to different level. He needs conscionable 1 small infinitesimal of abstraction to create a chance. His wide play has been overmuch amended than nan past mates of years."

Shearer, meanwhile, praised Ronaldo's desire, but suggested he mightiness person to judge a reduced domiciled successful immoderate games for nan use of nan team.

"This is cardinal to whether Portugal tin spell connected and triumph nan competition, because if he accepts he cannot play 90 minutes each crippled that will spell a agelong measurement to them winning this," he added.

"When waking up aft games and having that desire to spell again, erstwhile you are successful pain, that hunger and desire to beryllium nan very best.

"Everyone speaks successful glowing position astir his attitude, it is phenomenal."

Ronaldo had talked up this procreation of Portugal players earlier nan tournament, saying they deserved to spell each nan measurement and replicate nan country's 2016 win.

Those comments and his joyous consequence to Conceicao's victor propose that he has nan team's interests up of his ain and, if that is nan case, location is each logic to judge Portugal will spell acold successful Germany.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC