Woman flown to EIRMC after ATV rolls in central Idaho

Trending 1 week ago

The pursuing is simply a news merchandise and photograph from nan Blaine County Sheriff’s Office.

On Sunday, astatine astir 5:49 p.m., Blaine County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a study of an ATV rollover clang successful Slaughterhouse Canyon eastbound of Bellevue.

Crash segment investigation wished that a 67-year-old female from Bellevue was driving a 2021 Polaris all-terrain conveyance pinch 3 passengers from Quigley Canyon to Slaughterhouse Canyon erstwhile she mislaid power connected a steep slope, deed a washout area, and rolled nan vehicle.

The driver sustained superior but non-life-threatening injuries and was transported by aerial ambulance to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for her injuries. None of nan passengers reported immoderate injuries.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news