You have to see this! Grizzly bear charges at Yellowstone National Park ranger

Trending 2 months ago

A FRIGHTENING MOMENT — Sometimes aged videos summation traction and resurface connected societal media years later, and specified is nan lawsuit pinch this week’s viral video of an aggravated carnivore encounter.

The video was primitively shared connected YouTube successful May 2021. It was filmed successful Yellowstone National Park by a female successful a car who had a beforehand statement spot to a heart-stopping moment.

According to a news report, a parkland ranger arrived astatine a carnivore jam (a postulation jam involving bears connected nan road) betwixt Norris Junction and Swan Lake Flat arsenic group were extracurricular their vehicles and wrong 20 yards of a breeding brace of grizzly bears.

The viral footage shows an big antheral grizzly carnivore travel retired of nan trees, only feet from a roadworthy pinch passing cars. The parkland ranger is seen trying to divert postulation from nan area of nan bear.

Within seconds, nan carnivore charges astatine nan parkland ranger, who quickly runs down his truck. He re-appears pinch a gun, and “hazed nan carnivore into nan wood by utilizing legume container rounds, rubber bullets, and cracker shells.”

This video is erstwhile again different reminder of nan value of pursuing nan park’s rules, 1 of which states that group should ever enactment astatine slightest 100 yards distant from bears.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news