Young players making England a 'real force' - Lewis

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The younger players successful England's squad are making them a "real force", says caput coach Jon Lewis.

England hit New Zealand by 5 wickets successful nan 3rd one-day world successful Bristol to unafraid a 3-0 bid cleanable sweep.

Seamer Lauren Bell, 23, took a maiden five-wicket haul, pursuing connected from Maia Bouchier, 25, hitting her first period successful her 11th ODI successful nan 2nd crippled of nan series.

"A batch of nan younger players showed their manus [in this series]," Lewis told Sky Sports.

"We are getting existent contributions from younger players which is going to make america a existent force.

"In nan past you could opportunity we person relied connected Nat [Sciver-Brunt], Heather [Knight], Amy [Jones] pinch nan bat and Sophie [Ecclestone], Anya [Shrubsole], Katherine [Sciver-Brunt] to do nan bowling, but these young players are stepping up which is really bully to see."

England person won each 8 of their completed matches against New Zealand and Pakistan this summer, pursuing connected from T20 and ODI bid wins while touring nan erstwhile successful March and April.

Those bid person seen Bell turn into England's frontline seamer and Bouchier unafraid a spot astatine nan apical of bid successful some white-ball formats.

All-rounder Alice Capsey, 19, leg-spinner Sarah Glenn, 24, and off-spinner Charlie Dean, 23, person each been regulars too.

England called up seamer Ryana MacDonald-Gay, 20, for nan first clip successful this bid arsenic cover, while 18-year-old seamer Mahika Gaur has been astir nan squad arsenic she recovers from injury.

"We are having immoderate really difficult decisions astir what our champion XI is," added Lewis.

"One of nan existent strengths of this group is that they are really keen to thief each different grow.

"The much knowledgeable girls are really unfastened pinch their knowledge and nan young players are funny astir really to get better, and you harvester that pinch a really coagulated coaching group and we person a bully situation to activity in."

England commencement a five-match T20 bid against New Zealand successful Southampton connected Saturday.

Those matches are crossed a 12-day play - pinch nan last crippled astatine Lord's connected 17 July unrecorded connected BBC Two and BBC iPlayer - arsenic they look to ramp up their mentation for nan T20 World Cup successful October.

England past won nan tourney successful 2009 and person been knocked retired successful nan semi-finals successful nan past 2 editions.

Both nan 20-over and 50-over world titles are held by Australia, arsenic are nan Women's Ashes and Commonwealth Games.

All-rounder Freya Kemp, 19, is besides portion of nan T20 squad and England are hoping she tin vessel successful nan bid aft recovering from a backmost accent fracture.

"We person a batch of really good players and we are going to request them arsenic nan schedule is really engaged and we person to negociate nan players done that, make judge they are not overplaying aliases underplaying," said Lewis.

"We person to prime a World Cup squad truthful to do that we request to determine nan champion 15 for nan conditions we are going to play in.

"For Bangladesh successful peculiar nan squad that plays nan conditions nan champion will astir apt travel retired connected apical successful nan title truthful we person to beryllium really smart astir nan 15 we take, particularly nan 4 chair players.

"We request to deliberation astir getting a hit of playing, keeping winning, which is important - but tin we do that while testing a fewer players astatine nan aforesaid time?"

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC