YouTube ads can play even when your screen is paused now

Trending 1 hour ago
  Published astatine 8:30 pm, September 19, 2024

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Ramishah Maruf, CNN

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New York (CNN) — First, YouTube subjected viewers to longer unskippable ads. Now, not moreover pausing your surface will fto users escape.

The Google-owned level confirmed Thursday that it has “widely rolled retired Pause ads to each advertisers.” When nan video is paused, an advertisement will popular up connected nan broadside of nan screen, according to societal media posts.

“This is seamless for viewers and allows them to study much astir a brand. It’s been a beneficial update for nan full YouTube ecosystem and 1 of nan elements of nan modern CTV ads experience,” a Google spokesperson said successful a statement.

The Verge first reported nan development.

Though YouTube said nan update creates a little interruptive viewing acquisition for viewers arsenic well, users connected societal media bemoaned yet different inescapable advertisement connected nan platform.

“Seriously @YouTube? You’re putting up ads erstwhile you region a video now?,” 1 X personification posted. Another personification connected Reddit successful each caps: “THIS IS THE MOST ANNOYING ‘FEATURE’ (if you tin moreover telephone it a feature) YET.”

Users can, of course, debar ads altogether pinch a YouTube premium subscription that is typically $13.99 a period for an individual.

Google’s Philipp Schindler, an executive heading income for Google and YouTube, said during an Alphabet net telephone that nan institution “saw beardown traction” by introducing nan aviator region ads successful 2023 connected TVs that link to nan net to watercourse videos.

Though not revealing circumstantial financial insights, nan institution said nan region ads were profitable.

“Initial results show that region ads are driving beardown marque assistance results and are commanding premium pricing from advertisers,” Schindler said during nan April call.


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