'Decisive 16 seconds' from 'ridiculous' VAR as German 'belief' grows

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When Germany's last-16 crippled pinch Denmark connected Saturday was disrupted by a immense storm, galore location fans shielded themselves from nan dense rainfall and hail nether coloured boards they had earlier held up to shape their nationalist flag.

It whitethorn person been futile and they yet sewage drenched, but not moreover that could dampen their celebratory temper astatine full-time successful Dortmund, arsenic nan Euro 2024 hosts sealed a 2-0 win to scope nan quarter-finals.

The last whistle was greeted by a immense rendition of nan 1983 opus Major Tom, which has developed into nan big nation's unofficial anthem for this tournament, arsenic nan consciousness of belief among location fans that their broadside tin spell each nan measurement grows pinch each game.

But luck besides plays a portion successful tourney shot and Germany arguably had that successful this triumph arsenic 2 decisions near nan Danish campy furious.

The first came successful nan 2nd half when, pinch nan people goalless, Joachim Andersen saw his header ruled retired aft Thomas Delaney was ruled inches offside successful nan build-up according to nan semi-automated offside technology.

Then, Andersen's misery was compounded erstwhile Germany were awarded a punishment moments later aft David Raum's transverse touched his outstretched arm.

It near Denmark’s coach Kasper Hjulmand fuming successful nan post-match news conference.

"It was decided by 2 VAR decisions," he said. "16 seconds of a decisive moment.

"I seldom talk astir these decisions but it was very decisive for this game. It is frustrating. It is frustrating for our team."

Denmark did not triumph a crippled successful nan group stage, truthful an exit astatine this shape of nan tourney was not unexpected.

But that will not make nan decisions that went against them connected Saturday nighttime immoderate easier to take.

Denmark thought they had gone successful beforehand conscionable aft half-time erstwhile Andersen scored, but nan effort was yet ruled retired pursuing a VAR cheque which showed Delaney was conscionable offside earlier mounting up nan goal.

When play restarted, Germany instantly attacked and Raum's transverse brushed disconnected nan limb of Crystal Palace defender Andersen successful nan Danish box, starring to different VAR cheque and nan grant of nan punishment which Kai Havertz converted.

In nan post-match news conference, Hjulmand pointed to photographic grounds connected his mobile telephone that highlighted conscionable really marginal nan offside extremity that denied them nan opener was.

"I person a image of 1 centimetre offside call, it is not possible," he said. "You cannot telephone a one-centimetre call."

For nan handball decision, fixed 16 seconds aft Anderson's extremity had been ruled out, Hjulmand added: "We person been told our defenders should not tally astir pinch their hands down their back.

"It was 16 seconds that were nan decisive infinitesimal successful nan match. When VAR is utilized for illustration that it is conscionable ridiculous."

Pundits analysing nan crippled afterwards agreed.

Former Premier League footballer Dion Dublin told BBC Sport: "To norm goals retired for that, what are you expected to do and nan handball is moreover worse."

Ex-Wales skipper Ashley Williams said connected nan handball: "You person to do nan arms down nan back, which is perfectly ridiculous because it hinders nan creation of defending."

While erstwhile Manchester United skipper Roy Keane, told ITV: "I'm ever captious of defenders coming retired defending pinch their hands down their back, but I spot it. I consciousness for defenders.

"That's not nan crippled we grew up loving, these types of decisions. People wouldn't beryllium waking up tomorrow saying 'why is that not a penalty?'

"I'm OK pinch nan offside. Offside is offside. I spell backmost to nan handball and I conscionable can't spot it arsenic a penalty."

New exertion is being utilized astatine nan Euros which allows officials to spot intelligibly if nan shot has brushed nan limb of a player, akin to nan snickometer utilized successful cricket.

Mixed results successful nan build-up to this tourney had provided a consciousness that not galore Germany fans believed their broadside would beryllium tin to challenging for a first European Championship triumph since 1996.

But nan 5-1 triumph against Scotland successful their opening crippled was nan perfect commencement they needed.

They person breathtaking attacking talent successful Jamal Musiala, Florian Wirtz, and Havertz, person acquisition successful nan likes of Toni Kroos and a superb sub successful Niclas Fullkrug, who has scored 2 goals successful 4 games from disconnected nan bench.

With 10 goals successful their 4 games truthful far, they are nan highest scorers astatine Euro 2024, but head Julian Nagelsmann believes they tin still get better.

"There is ever room to go," he said.

"Talk astir nan first 20 minutes successful this crippled and it was very good, very happy pinch that.

"But we could velocity up our crippled successful shot possession. If we do for illustration we did successful nan first 20 minutes it is really, really reliable to hit us."

“This crippled was an important triumph and it will springiness nan Germans existent belief that they tin spell connected and tally anybody close,” erstwhile Premier League striker Chris Sutton, commentating connected nan crippled for BBC Radio 5 unrecorded added.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC