'I was at rock bottom' - redemption for tearful Ronaldo at 'last Euros'

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As Jan Oblak's manus tipped Cristiano Ronaldo's extra-time punishment connected to nan post, nan Portuguese legend's dreams shattered successful a moment.

He had "hit stone bottom".

The 39-year-old, who afterwards told Portuguese media this was his past Euros, bowed his caput and burst into tears while team-mates raced to console their captain, pinch Slovenia threatening 1 of nan Euros' biggest ever shocks.

A legendary world profession seemed group to extremity successful nan cruellest of ways.

Ronaldo's punishment was saved successful other clip pinch nan last-16 necktie goalless, but conscionable 15 minutes later he stepped up to nan aforesaid spot to occurrence successful nan first of his country's shootout kicks.

Goalkeeper Diogo Costa past made Euros history pinch 3 punishment shootout saves arsenic Portugal survived a humiliating exit, overcoming Slovenia to set-up a quarter-final necktie pinch France.

More tears fell from Ronaldo - this clip of axenic joyousness and relief.

"Even nan strongest group person their [bad] days. I was astatine stone bottommost erstwhile nan squad needed maine nan most," said Ronaldo afterwards, earlier tearing up again.

"Sadness astatine nan commencement is joyousness astatine nan end. That's what shot is. Moments, inexplicable moments. I consciousness sad and happy astatine nan aforesaid time.

"But nan important point is to bask it. The squad did an bonzer job. We fought correct to nan extremity and I deliberation we deserved it because we had much authority."

Portugal's talisman knowledgeable each emotion imaginable successful 120 minutes.

He is still yet to people astatine Euro 2024 and was successful nan spotlight passim nan match, showing his emotions and frustrations arsenic he missed galore chances.

His entranceway had been greeted pinch a immense roar from nan Portugal fans - nan aforesaid supporters who chanted his sanction erstwhile his punishment was saved by Oblak.

At nan different end, Slovenian supporters jeered, fto disconnected flares, banged drums and celebrated each clip his efforts missed nan target.

Despite 20 shots connected extremity successful nan tourney - nan astir by immoderate subordinate - he is yet to find nan net. To make matters worse, he has missed 3 of his 9 penalties astatine awesome tournaments.

"We each cognize that Cristiano is nan hardest worker," said goalkeeper Costa, who was nan leader connected nan night.

"I understand really disappointment he is because he devotes each his clip to this. It’s a pleasance and an honour to beryllium connected nan aforesaid squad arsenic him.

"We're a family, I really deliberation this. I attraction connected making nan champion of these chances and I wanted to thief nan team. This is nan astir important thing.

"This is astir apt nan champion crippled of my life."

As his vexation grew done nan night, Ronaldo fell to his knees, looking astatine nan sky, pleading for luck to travel his way.

He roared successful vexation and air-punched nan crushed erstwhile crosses flew complete his head, arsenic he tried everything to go nan oldest goalscorer astatine a European Championship.

Later, he turned to supporters and waved his arms frantically, asking for much sound and praying for them to not springiness up.

When his spot-kick was saved, Portugal fans sang "Viva Ronaldo" aft his affectional outburst was shown connected nan large surface successful nan Frankfurt Arena.

Former Scotland winger Pat Nevin reacted successful disbelief connected BBC Radio 5 Live: "He missed a punishment kick. He shouldn't beryllium successful tears."

But erstwhile he yet scored successful nan shootout, location were nary flamboyant celebrations, conscionable a motion to nan fans down nan extremity and an apology.

"It's difficult capable going up to return a punishment anyway, but taking 1 successful that business erstwhile you've conscionable missed a punishment astatine specified a important time... unbelievable," said erstwhile England striker Alan Shearer connected BBC One.

"This is why they are awesome players - because they person awesome intelligence strength.

"I deliberation location are a mates of occasions wherever 10 years agone there's nary uncertainty he would person sewage connected nan extremity of it. It has been a Ronaldo show, though, hasn't it?"

Former Arsenal defender Martin Keown, added: "Psychologically, we saw nan tears and we saw nan professionalism [to measurement up and people successful nan punishment shootout].

"It was singular from Costa. They relied upon him. Cristiano Ronaldo... It wasn't astir him tonight. It was astir that man [Costa]."

Having said this will beryllium his past Euros, Ronaldo's desire to people a extremity and execute occurrence pinch Portugal is moreover greater.

The Portugual skipper has already made history successful Germany, by appearing astatine a grounds sixth European Championship.

He has besides scored nan astir European Championship goals (14) and made nan astir appearances (28) astatine a Euros.

"There's a broadside of him wherever he becomes much of a squad subordinate for Portugal than immoderate different nine squad he's played for," said erstwhile Scotland striker Nevin.

"The state intends a batch to him. I don't deliberation he won't attraction if he doesn't score, but nan privilege is connected nan results."

Ronaldo became nan first subordinate to people a punishment successful 3 punishment shootouts astatine nan Euros.

However, he has received criticism for his extremity drought and that is improbable to diminish aft events successful Frankfurt.

But Portugal leader Roberto Martinez says he is simply a "constant example" for each players successful his homeland.

"When you spot a player, nan only subordinate to play successful six Euros, pinch nan desire and that belief [like a] young man - those emotions are unthinkable for personification who has won everything and knowledgeable everything," said Martinez.

"He doesn't request to attraction that overmuch and that is why I convey him for nan measurement he is. For caring for nan group. For being personification who aft missing a punishment was nan first punishment taker [in nan shootout].

"I knew for definite he had to beryllium nan first punishment taker and show america nan measurement to nan victory. We are each very, very proud of our captain.

"The dressing room was delighted and I deliberation he gave america a instruction successful having existent precocious standards and ne'er giving up. Life and shot springiness you difficult moments and he is an illustration that we are really proud of successful Portuguese football."

  • He has now attempted complete doubly arsenic galore nonstop free-kicks successful Euros competitions than immoderate different player, failing to score, since records began successful 1980.

  • Among players without a extremity astatine Euro 2024 truthful far, Ronaldo has had nan astir shots (20).

  • It is his longest goalscoring drought successful awesome tournaments. He has scored successful each awesome tourney earlier this.

  • He has not netted successful his past 8 Euros aliases World Cup games.

  • Ronaldo had scored his past 24 penalties successful each competitions but his grounds astatine nan Euros is 5 scored and 2 missed - including successful punishment shootouts.

  • For nan first clip successful his career, Ronaldo grounded to people successful nan group shape of a awesome tourney astatine Euro 2024.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC