Even adults won’t get bored! Idaho Falls couple invites you to have family fun at The Little Play Hut

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 8:14 pm, June 26, 2024

John and Thainara Co are nan owners of nan Little Play Hut, a play cafe astatine 1598 West Broadway successful Idaho Falls. See what it looks for illustration successful nan video above. | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

Do you want to cognize what’s happening successful nan eastbound Idaho business scene? We’ve sewage you covered. Here is simply a rundown of this week’s business news crossed nan valley.



Local mates opening intermezo venue for kids and adults

ball pitBall pit astatine The Little Play Hut | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

IDAHO FALLS – As John and Thainara Co person visited family intermezo venues successful Idaho Falls, they’ve taken statement of what they consciousness is missing astatine those places. Now they’re opening their ain business pinch those things successful mind.

The Little Play Hut is opening successful nan portion astatine 1598 West Broadway astatine nan extremity of June pinch a expansive opening scheduled for July 28.

John tells EastIdahoNews.com it will person amenities for kids and adults, including shot pits, a play house, an interactive 3D projector that displays games for kids to play, a elephantine iPad, a Lego and book area, arsenic good arsenic a area pinch sensory items.

“We person an arena room (that includes TVs and kitchenette abstraction pinch a refrigerator) wherever group tin big day parties and gatherings,” John says.

There’s besides a play area for toddlers and a photograph op wall wherever group tin return photos aliases selfies.

John and his woman bask each nan different intermezo options that are available. Most of them are designed pinch kids successful mind and their extremity is to “create a spot wherever parents tin bent retired arsenic well.”

“From November done January, we went to 18 day parties (at different venues) crossed town. The parents are ever connected their telephone beause they’re bored,” says John. “We want to entertain nan parents arsenic well. That’s what’s lacking pinch each these different places.”

He’s group up a area wherever adults tin play connected an iPad aliases bring a laptop to activity while their kids play. It’s besides a confined abstraction truthful their kids are ever visible to them.

“They’re not chasing their kids (like they do astatine different places). They can’t tally anyplace because it’s specified a mini space,” John says. “My kids person been asking each azygous day, ‘Can we bring our friends here?’ I deliberation we’ve created a typical spot for kids.”

Though location is simply a costs for kids to play astatine nan venue, adults will not beryllium charged to travel them.

See what it’s for illustration successful nan video above.

play hut viewA position of nan wrong of The Little Play Hut | Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com

The Cos moved to Idaho Falls from nan San Francisco Bay area successful 2020 to flight what John describes arsenic “a hectic place” that isn’t a bully location to raise a family. Thainara has family ties successful eastbound Idaho.

They worked successful nan edifice manufacture for galore years, and opening a play cafe is thing they ne'er thought they’d beryllium doing.

Once nan business is established, they’re hoping to yet person a bigger storage location wherever they tin connection 4 aliases 5 furnished statement rooms for customers.

The Little Play Hut will beryllium unfastened 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday done Friday and by assignment Saturday and Sunday.

“If they want to reserve nan space, we’ll manus them nan keys and they’ll person afloat entree to everything that’s here,” John says.

To make a preservation aliases study more, visit nan website, Instagram page aliases telephone (208) 970-7088.


Beehive Federal Credit Union reschedules yearly picnic

beehive picnic picCourtesy Beehive Federal Credit Union

REXBURG – Due to inclement weather, Beehive Federal Credit Union is rescheduling its yearly picnic astatine Porter Park successful Rexburg.

Originally group for June 27, it will now return spot connected Thursday, July 11, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

This determination prioritizes nan information of nan in installments union’s members and nan community. All planned entertainment, including nan unrecorded capacity by Paige Anne, a apical finalist from “American Idol,” and The Infamous, on pinch various nosy activities and delicious nutrient offerings, will stay unchanged.

There will besides beryllium free nutrient for in installments national members, which includes basking dogs aliases pulled pork sandwiches, chips, salad, lemonade, and an crystal pick bar. It’s $10 for nonmembers.

Additional treats for illustration fabric candy and shaved crystal are $1 each.

All proceeds will use Primary Children’s Hospital.


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