Anchorage resident Kim Sherry precocious sat down pinch Hometown, Alaska big Dave Waldron to talk astir what it was for illustration to beryllium a contestant connected “The Great American Recipe.” (James Oh/Alaska Public Media)

On Monday PBS will debut its marque caller play of “The Great American Recipe.” The show features 8 location cooks from astir nan state competing pinch their champion recipes. For nan first clip successful 3 seasons, nan show will characteristic an Alaskan chef. On nan this section of Hometown, Alaska big Dave Waldron sits down pinch Anchorage resident Kim Sherry who talks astir really a location navigator gets discovered, what it was for illustration to navigator connected nationalist tv and serving arsenic a culinary ambassador for our state.

Faubion Waldron

Dave Waldron began his power profession successful 2000 arsenic a unpaid DJ astatine UAA’s power position KRUA 88.1, wherever he hosted a play euphony show. In 2004 he was hired arsenic nan station’s euphony director, and held nan position until his graduation successful 2007. He was hired by Alaska Public Media successful 2008 and since past has worked arsenic an audio engineer, editor, and producer. He presently runs his ain mini business AK Audio Pro, and is simply a big of Alaska Public Media’s Hometown, Alaska.