‘O say can you see’: An Eastern Idaho guide to the Fourth of July

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 10:08 am, June 29, 2024
Fireworks1aORG optimized ample croppedFireworks capable nan nighttime entity astatine nan 2023 Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. | File photo

EASTERN IDAHO – Whether you’re enjoying fireworks, participating successful a parade aliases simply spending clip pinch loved ones, nan Fourth of July successful Eastern Idaho promises to beryllium memorable for all. Mark your calendars for nan star-spangled celebrations happening successful nan area – immoderate arsenic soon arsenic this weekend. Here’s wherever to spell and what to see.


Children’s Parade
A Children’s Parade will beryllium held successful Malad connected Wednesday, July 3, opening astatine 5:30 p.m. Kids of each ages are invited to decorate their bikes, trikes, wagons, aliases immoderate they person and subordinate successful nan fun. The parade will statesman connected North Main Street and extremity astatine nan room (31 North 100 West, Malad).

A cannonade astatine sunrise will statesman nan day’s activities connected Thursday, July 4. There is besides a Fun Run planned, sponsored by nan Malad Distinguished Young Woman Committee. Oneida Search & Rescue will service up a pancake meal astatine Malad City Park astatine astir 6:30 a.m. Activities including hatchet throwing, a dunk tank, Army motortruck rides and much committedness nosy for everyone successful nan family. Music, nutrient and different vendors will beryllium group up astatine Malad City Park each afternoon.

Malad’s parade will statesman astatine 10 a.m. astatine nan area of 400 North and 200 West. It will extremity astatine nan Veterans Memorial connected Main Street for nan National Anthem and a rendition of Taps, past resume down Bannock Street to 300 West and extremity astatine 400 North.

Thursday’s ceremony will culminate pinch a fireworks show astatine nan Oneida County Fairgrounds. The show will commencement astatine 10 p.m.

Street Dance
As portion of nan celebration, section set Rough Stock will execute connected Bannock Street for a thoroughfare creation successful beforehand of Malad City Hall connected Friday, July 5. The creation is sponsored by Malad City and will statesman astatine 8:30 p.m.


Pocatello’s Annual Independence Day Parade will statesman astatine 9:30 a.m. The parade way is different this twelvemonth owed to nan Center Street Underpass Renovation Project.

Bannock Independence Day Celebration
The Bannock Independence Day Celebration will beryllium held astatine nan Bannock County Event Center, 10588 Fairground Drive, Pocatello. This year’s festivities will see a formation party, car shows, unrecorded music, games and bouncy houses for nan kids and tons more.

A fireworks display, sponsored by Portneuf Medical Center, originates astatine 10 p.m. and will beryllium accompanied by a 15-minute drone show, sponsored by Idaho Central Credit Union.


Liberty connected Parade
The yearly Liberty connected Parade, hosted by nan Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, originates astatine 9 a.m. The parade will commencement adjacent Idaho Falls High School astatine nan intersection of Fourth Street and South Holmes Avenue, recreation westbound connected Fourth Street, move southbound connected South Boulevard and extremity astatine nan intersection of South Boulevard and Rogers Street.

RELATED | The 2024 Melaleuca Freedom Celebration will beryllium ‘bigger and amended than ever.’ Here’s what you tin expect

Riverfest & Melaleuca Freedom Celebration
Riverfest and nan 31st Annual Melaleuca Freedom Celebration events will return spot astatine Snake River Landing. Vendors, helicopter rides, and different activities will return spot passim nan day. Fireworks will statesman astatine 10 p.m.


Jefferson County Lake Independence Day Celebration
Rigby is getting a jump connected celebrating Independence Day. The yearly fireworks show astatine Jefferson County Lake will beryllium connected Saturday, June 29. Vendors, music, and a nosy tally are scheduled passim nan day. Gates will unfastened astatine 9 a.m. and fireworks will statesman astatine dark. For much information, sojourn nan Jefferson County website.


A afloat time of activities is planned for folks successful Menan. Breakfast will beryllium served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., pinch a emblem raising astatine 7:30 a.m. A 5K, a three-on-three hoops tournament, and a car show (among different activities) are scheduled passim nan day. Vendors will beryllium connected manus starting astatine 10 a.m. For much accusation astir planned activities, sojourn nan City of Menan website.

Parade & Fireworks
Menan’s 4th of July Parade will statesman astatine 11 a.m. It will statesman astatine nan area of Park Avenue and 3500 East, spell down 3500 E. to Main Street, past near connected 3600 East. This year’s taxable is “Freedom.” Fireworks will statesman astatine dark.


Independence Day Celebration & Parade
Rexburg’s Independence Day ceremony kicks disconnected astatine 9 a.m. astatine Porter Park pinch vendors, nutrient trucks, unrecorded euphony and more. A organization emblem raising will beryllium held astatine 9:30 a.m., pinch nan Annual Independence Day Parade pursuing astatine 10 a.m.

The parade will statesman astatine nan area of Madison Avenue and First North and extremity astatine nan roundabout connected Fourth South and Second West. If you’re an early bird, you tin put chairs on nan parade way starting astatine 6 p.m. connected July 3.

Be judge to instrumentality astir aft nan parade; nan Party successful nan Park will beryllium successful afloat plaything astatine Porter Park, 154 South Third West, pinch nutrient trucks, vendors, unrecorded euphony and more.


The streets of Ashton will travel live pinch marching bands, colorful floats, and enthusiastic residents arsenic nan 4th of July parade originates astatine 10 a.m. connected Main Street.

Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks
After nan parade, caput to nan metropolis parkland for a emblem ceremony, car show, entertainment, and vendor booths of each kinds.


Teton Valley Balloon Rally
The Teton Valley Balloon Rally will return spot July 4 done July 7, astatine nan Teton County Fairgrounds successful Driggs. Balloon launches are scheduled astatine astir 6:30 a.m. each day. For accusation astir nan rally, visit their website.

In Victor, festivities will footwear disconnected astatine 7:30 a.m. pinch a emblem ceremonial astatine Victor City Park. Breakfast, hosted by nan Teton High School creation team, will beryllium served from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Parade & Craft Fair
A parade will statesman astatine 10:30 a.m. This year, it will commencement astatine Dogwood Street and recreation on Main Street earlier concluding astatine Aspen Avenue. To position nan parade map, sojourn nan Victor City website.

A trade adjacent will commencement successful nan parkland connected July 4 and tally done July 7, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news