Reed’s Dairy breaks ground on new production building in Idaho Falls

Trending 1 week ago
  Published astatine 7:10 pm, June 18, 2024
reeds dairy renderingRendering of nan caller Reed’s Dairy accumulation building that will beryllium built connected nan northbound broadside of nan Broadway location. | Rett Nelson,

IDAHO FALLS – Reed’s Dairy held a groundbreaking ceremonial Tuesday day for its caller accumulation building successful a section connected nan northbound broadside of its Broadway Street location successful Idaho Falls.

Construction connected nan 25,000-square-foot building will get underway arsenic soon arsenic nan metropolis approves nan permits for nan project. Priest River Construction will beryllium nan contractor.

RELATED | Reed’s Dairy building destroyed successful occurrence earlier this twelvemonth is being demolished

The groundbreaking comes six months to nan time that a occurrence destroyed nan aged accumulation building. It was demolished past month. Owner Alan Reed told america astatine that clip building connected nan caller building would return astir 2 years to complete.

RELATED | Reed’s Dairy accumulation building a full nonaccomplishment pursuing fire

During nan groundbreaking, Reed choked up arsenic he thanked nan crowd for their attendance.

“All of you — this is what makes it,” Reed said done tears. “We wanted everyone progressive because (this is our) organization and we’re happy to beryllium portion of it.”

Among those successful attendance was Greater Idaho Falls Chamber CEO Paul Baker, Idaho Falls City Councilwoman Lisa Burtenshaw, Reed’s father, Roy, who is 1 of nan dairy’s founders. Bonneville County Commissioner Bryon Reed, who is Alan’s brother, was besides successful attendance.

baker and reedGreater Idaho Falls Chamber CEO Paul Baker, left, pinch Alan Reed pursuing nan groundbreaking ceremonial Tuesday afternoon. | Rett Nelson,

Bryon is not progressive successful nan dairy, but became nan proprietor of nan workplace erstwhile nan family separated nan 2 operations during nan 1980s.

The Reed workplace has astir 1,800 acres successful Bonneville County. It grows potatoes, wheat, barley and alfalfa. At 1 time, Bryon supplied alfalfa for Alan’s cows.

Today, nan cows are housed astatine a dairy successful Mud Lake. They were moved to that location astir 18 months earlier nan fire, which Alan expressed gratitude for during a speech pinch

Bryon shared his memories of increasing up connected nan dairy years ago.

“I spent a batch of clip moving and playing present successful nan aged barn and nan pome orchard. There’s a life of memories here,” Bryon told nan crowd.

Over nan past respective months, Bryon said it’s been “amazing” to watch nan outpouring of support from nan organization to Alan and his family.

“The time of nan occurrence … it amazed maine really galore group — his competitors successful nan business came that nighttime aliases called him to say, ‘How tin I help?'” Bryon said. “The continued support, evident by each of you present today, is overwhelming.”

During nan fire, Bryon said his relative was connected nan telephone pinch different dairies. Alan had accumulation lined up earlier nan flames were out, Bryon said, which allowed nan cognition to proceed without a hiccup.

Bryon praised his relative for his activity during a clip of crisis.

“That’s nan benignant of activity I person looked up to successful Alan my full life. Because of that, I cognize that this (new building project) is going to beryllium a success. He’s sewage a awesome squad astir him, he’s sewage awesome partners and it’ll each travel together successful a awesome way,” said Bryon.

reeds dairy propertyProperty wherever nan caller Reed’s Dairy accumulation building will beryllium built. | Rett Nelson,

Alan started tearing up again arsenic he said of his uncle, Larry, who was progressive successful a remodel of nan accumulation building successful 1980. At that time, Alan said they added a caller boiler room and Larry was thrilled astir it.

RELATED | Reeds Dairy proprietor grateful for organization support pursuing occurrence that destroyed accumulation building

The caller building will see a typical tribute to him.

“This caller building will person a plaque connected it successful representation of him because now it’s each going to beryllium new. We’re grateful for him and each he has done,” Alan said, choking up.


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east idaho news