Tsunoda fined for offensive comment in GP qualifying

Trending 2 days ago

Japanese driver Yuki Tsunoda has been fined 40,000 euros (£33,900) for utilizing an violative remark astir a rival successful qualifying for nan Austrian Grand Prix.

The 24-year-old RB driver utilized an expletive and a slur against abnormal group towards Sauber's Zhou Guanyu complete nan squad radio, which meant he was hauled earlier title stewards.

Tsunoda, who believed he was obstructed successful nan pit lane, told them he did not realise what nan word meant arsenic English was not his first connection and that he was "horrified" erstwhile he recovered out.

"During nan proceeding nan driver was very apologetic," publication a connection by Formula 1's governing body, nan FIA.

"He contended that his knowing of nan words was different, but acknowledged that this should not beryllium considered arsenic an excuse for what he did.

"The stewards admit nan honesty of nan driver but reenforce nan truth nan words utilized are violative and wholly inappropriate."

The stewards took into relationship "the genuine remorse of nan driver and his connection to rumor a nationalist apology" and suspended half of Tsunoda's good until nan extremity of nan season.

Tsunoda, who is 10th successful nan drivers' standings, will commencement Sunday's title successful 14th position.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC