College of Eastern Idaho appoints new president

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The pursuing is simply a news merchandise from nan College of Eastern Idaho.

IDAHO FALLS — The College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) Board of Trustees is pleased to denote nan assignment of Dr. Lori Barber arsenic nan 2nd president of CEI. She is expected to presume nan agency connected August 1, 2024.

The Board of Trustees acknowledgment nan full College organization for participating successful nan statesmanlike finalist forums. All feedback was reviewed and greatly weighted by nan Board. This collaborative and concerted activity genuinely enriched nan hunt process. Board Chair Park Price stated — “I would for illustration to definitive appreciation to nan Presidential Search Committee for their time, dedication, and thoughtful activity connected behalf of CEI. President Rick Aman has built a beardown activity squad astatine CEI and Dr. Barber has been a cardinal personnel of that team. The trustees are assured that Dr. Barber will build upon nan occurrence that CEI has enjoyed frankincense far.”

Dr. Barber has served arsenic Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs astatine College of Eastern Idaho since 2019. Previously, Dr. Barber served arsenic nan Dean of General Education astatine CEI. Dr. Barber earned a Doctor of Education successful Leadership and Innovation from Arizona State University; a Master of Arts successful Interdisciplinary Studies successful History and Anthropology from Idaho State University; and a Bachelor of Arts and Letters successful History from Idaho State University. She precocious spearheaded nan improvement and authorities support of 2 applied baccalaureate degrees, making CEI nan only organization assemblage successful nan authorities to connection 2 specified programs. Under her leadership, CEI’s Academic and Student Affairs achieved a successful year-7 legalization reaffirmation. Additionally, Dr. Barber has been a personnel of nan Idaho Launch Initiative Policy Committee, contributing to nan creation of guidelines for distributing $75 cardinal to Idaho precocious schoolhouse seniors.

“I americium honored to person been selected arsenic nan 2nd President of College of Eastern Idaho.” Said Dr. Barber. “As CEI moves into this caller phase, I americium thrilled to lead nan College to nan adjacent level of excellence. I americium excited to activity pinch business and manufacture leaders to guarantee they person nan exceptionally trained workforce they need. I americium arsenic excited to activity pinch our four-year assemblage partners to transportation academically beardown learners to their institutions. I person a clear imagination for really we tin proceed to turn arsenic a cutting-edge institution. With our talented module and staff, I americium fresh to lead CEI successful its continued success, building connected nan champion that already exists and creating caller possibilities of excellence.”

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east idaho news