England head coach Wane to miss France Test

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France v England Test double-header

Venue: Stade Ernest-Wallon, Toulouse Date: Saturday, 29 June Kick-off: 14:30 BST (women), 17:00 BST (men)

England men's caput coach Shaun Wane will miss Saturday's Test against France successful Toulouse arsenic he recovers from an ankle operation.

Assistant Andy Last will lead a 19-man squad successful nan absence of Wane, who had room connected Tuesday and had to miss a training get-together successful Wigan connected Wednesday.

Hull KR hooker Jez Litten will besides miss nan Test, having withdrawn from nan squad because of illness.

Last said: "We've had a spot of a different build-up to this week's Test lucifer pinch Shaun having to time off camp, but nan players person really stepped up and it really has been business arsenic usual."

A new-look squad includes 5 players earning their first England call-ups.

St Helens prop George Delaney is joined by Castleford Tigers centre Sam Wood, Wigan Warriors hooker Brad O'Neill, Hull KR loose guardant Elliot Minchella, Huddersfield Giants guardant Oliver Wilson and Leeds Rhinos guardant James McDonnell.

The Test is portion of a double-header, pinch nan women's squad besides taking connected France astatine Stade Ernest-Wallon, successful a ceremony to people 90 years of French rugby league.

Last added: "This is an breathtaking squad and it’s ever awesome to beryllium capable to reward players pinch their first world caps - each very deserving of wearing nan England shirt.

"It's a large juncture for nan French pinch it being their 90th day and we are nether nary illusions they will travel retired beardown successful Toulouse connected Saturday."

After Saturday's contest, England's men will look a two-Test bid against Samoa, pinch nan first lucifer astatine Wigan's Brick Community Stadium - formerly DW Stadium - connected Sunday, 27 October, and nan 2nd astatine AMT Headingley successful Leeds connected Saturday, 2 November (both 14:30 GMT).

Revised England squad: Ben Currie (Warrington Wolves), George Delaney (St Helens), Tyler Dupree (Wigan Warriors), Ash Handley (Leeds Rhinos), James Harrison (Warrington Wolves), Tom Johnstone (Catalans Dragons), Matty Lees (St Helens), Mikey Lewis (Hull KR), James McDonnell (Leeds Rhinos), Elliot Minchella (Hull KR), Harry Newman (Leeds Rhinos), Matty Nicholson (Warrington Wolves), Brad O’Neill, Harry Smith, Luke Thompson (all Wigan Warriors), Jack Welsby (St Helens), George Williams (Warrington Wolves), Oliver Wilson (Huddersfield Giants), Sam Wood (Castleford Tigers).

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC