Mageean to miss Irish Nationals to focus on recovery

Trending 2 days ago

Ciara Mageean is to miss this weekend's Irish National Senior Track and Field Championships arsenic she focuses connected continuing her betterment from her gold-medal winning exertions astatine nan European Championships successful Rome earlier this month.

The Irish jock picked up a golden medal successful nan 1500m and now has her sights group firmly connected nan forthcoming Olympic Games successful Paris.

Mageean has spoken of her disappointment astatine missing nan Irish Championships but emphasised nan value of allowing herself to return to afloat health.

"After observant information and consultation pinch my coaches and support team, I person decided to retreat from nan upcoming nationalist athletics championships. This determination was not made lightly, but it is important to prioritise my betterment astatine this time," said Mageean.

"Following nan European Championships, wherever I knowledgeable nan superb precocious of winning gold, I person been dealing pinch fatigue and person not recovered fully.

"At this time, I request to attraction connected getting backmost to afloat wellness to guarantee I tin put successful nan difficult training sessions basal to compete pinch nan champion successful nan world."

The 32-year-old went connected to opportunity that she would "look guardant to being backmost connected way soon, pinch her sights group connected "representing Ireland pinch pridefulness successful Paris".

Among those who will beryllium successful action astatine Morton Stadium successful Dublin this play are European medallists Rhasidat Adeleke (100m), Thomas Barr (400m hurdles), Christopher O’Donnell (400m), Sharlene Mawdsley (200m), Sophie Becker (400m), Phil Healy (200m & 400m), and Lauren Cadden (400m).

Adeleke clinched silver for Ireland successful nan 400m successful Rome successful a caller Irish grounds clip and was besides portion of nan 4x400m mixed relay squad which secured a sensational victory astatine nan championships, on pinch Barr, O'Donnell and Mawdsley.

Becker, Healy, Cadden and Mawdsley went connected to win silver successful nan women's 4x400m relay final.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC