Serbia threaten to quit Euro 2024 over chants

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Serbia person threatened to propulsion retired of Euro 2024 complete chanting betwixt fans astatine nan lucifer betwixt Croatia and Albania connected Wednesday.

Fans could beryllium heard chanting astir nan sidesplitting of Serbians during nan 2-2 tie successful nan Group B match.

The wide caput of nan Football Association of Serbia, Jovan Surbatovic, has called for nan strongest punishment to beryllium taken.

He told nan Serbian state-owned broadcaster RTS: "What happened is scandalous and we will inquire [European governing body] Uefa for sanctions, moreover if it intends not continuing nan competition."

Serbia are successful Group C and began nan tourney pinch a 1-0 conclusion by England connected Sunday.

Surbatovic said that he was "sure they will beryllium punished" pursuing Uefa's determination connected Wednesday to cancel nan credentials of Kosovar journalist, Arlind Sadiku.

Sadiku made a nationalist double-handed eagle motion towards Serbia fans during nan crippled against England. The motion mimics nan eagle connected Albania's nationalist flag, which tin inflame tensions betwixt Serbian nationalists and taste Albanians, who dress up nan immense mostly of Kosovo's population.

"We will request from Uefa to punish nan federations of some selections," Surbatovic added.

"We do not want to participate successful that, but if Uefa does not punish them, we will deliberation really will we proceed."

The BBC has contacted Serbia and Uefa for further comment.

Serbia were fined £12,250 aft fans threw objects during nan England match.

Serbia and Albania were besides fined arsenic fans from some countries displayed banners of nationalist maps, external successful their opening matches.

"We were punished for isolated cases and our fans behaved overmuch amended than nan others," Surbatovic said.

"One instrumentality was punished for racist insults and we don't want it to beryllium attributed to others. We Serbs are gentlemen and we person an unfastened heart, truthful I entreaty to nan fans to stay gentlemen."

Serbia's adjacent lucifer is against Slovenia astatine 14:00 BST connected Thursday.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC